20th July 2020
- Updated the mod for compatibility with Forge 1.12.2- (and possibly beyond)
- Added an "entry ticket" decorative item - thank you to darthvader45 for this!
- Added "drift rails" which lock the yaw of your coaster for a drift effect
- Removed the materials-related console spam from the mod when loading
12th December 2019
- Fixed the camera motion issue
- Fixed the rail GUI not drawing a dark background behind it
- Fixed crashes when sitting in connector coasters that aren't connected to anything
19th August 2019
- Improved how the camera follows the coaster around the track (still not perfect)
- Fixed the smooth button crumpling rails instead of actually smoothing them
- Fixed selection boxes of rails not rendering correctly
21st May 2019
- Rails stop disappearing when you look at them certain ways
- Placed rails will now point straight ahead without bending
- An "extra" .jar will be released with each update; it will include extra features and subjective improvements (currently adds an Entry Ticket item).
18th September 2018
- Greatly reduced coaster shaking on rails, though strangely the mod still doesn't cope well with twists
- Fixed players not always getting on coasters they right-click
9th September 2018
- Fixed crash on startup
- Fixed the camera tilt coremod not loading